
Sept. 2, 2021

66: Black Cash Matters - The Black Wall Street App & Bitcoin w/ Hill …

Muki and Brown open up Season 3 with none other than legendary actor, best-selling author, entrepreneur, and philanthropist Hill Harper. In this episode, Hill breaks down Cryptocurrency, his Black Wall Street Crypto App, the ...

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Aug. 5, 2021

65: The Road To Entrepreneurship And Life In The Military With Royal …

In this Season 2 Finale, the guys chat with Royal Banks. He breaks down how the military impacted his life and the ups and downs of entrepreneurship. Later he discusses his Assurance DNA company and actionable steps to start ...

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July 29, 2021

64: Barbershop Talk - Mental Health & The Olympics And Returning To T…

In this barbershop episode, Muki breaks down returning to the office after 18 months. Later Brown discusses Simone Biles and Naomi Osaka prioritizing their mental health over the Olympics. The guys also discuss COVID-19, the ...

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July 22, 2021

63: Building A Streaming Service & Redefining Black Media With DeShun…

In this episode, the guys chat with DeShuna Spencer, Founder & CEO of kweliTV, about her journey to creating a video streaming service and lessons she learned along the way. DeShuna breaks down why positive black representati...

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July 15, 2021

62: Breaking Into Technology & The Importance Of Being Your Authentic…

In this episode, the guy chat with Ivan Walker, Chief Technology Officer for the Bean Path & Software Engineer at Amazon, about his journey through tech, the importance of being your authentic self, and steps to breaking into...

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July 8, 2021

Ep 61: Interviewing 101 - How To Land The Job

In this episode, the guys discuss Sha'Carri Richardson, going back to the office, and why 4 million people voluntarily quit their jobs in April. Later in the episode they break down interviewing 101 and how to land the job. T...

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July 1, 2021

Ep 60: The Power Of Mentorship And Lifting Others While You Climb

In this episode, the guys discuss being a #girldad and the proper protocol for using public restrooms. Later in the episode they discuss the power of mentorship and why you should have one. They breakdown the best practices f...

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June 24, 2021

59: Juneteenth, Networking 101, & How To Build Social Capital

In this episode, the guys discuss Brown’s birthday, Juneteenth, Father’s Day, and how it felt hanging out in New York City post COVID-19. Later in the episode the guys discuss the importance of networking and practical ways t...

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June 17, 2021

58: The Road To Building A $25 Million Tech Hub & How To Break Into T…

In part 2 from last week’s episode, the guys continue their conversation with Dr. Nashlie Sephus. She is an artificial intelligence scientist for Amazon and CEO of the Bean Path, a non-profit organization based in Jackson, MS...

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June 10, 2021

57: The Road To Building A $25 Million Tech Hub & How To Break Into T…

In this episode, the guys chat with Dr. Nashlie Sephus. She is an artificial intelligence scientist for Amazon and CEO of The Bean Path, a non-profit organization based in Jackson, MS, assisting individuals and startups with ...

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June 3, 2021

56: Barbershop Talk - Black Wall Street, The Black Dollar & Buying B…

In this episode, the guys discuss the 100 year anniversary of the Tulsa race massacre. They touch on the first time they learned about Black Wall Street and the impact it had on them. Later they discuss the important of …

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May 27, 2021

55: From Homeless To Homeowner: The Power Of Knowing Your Why With An…

In the episode, the guys chat with Anthony ONeal. He is a #1 national best-selling author, financial expert and host of the popular online series “The Table.” Anthony breaks down his journey from homeless to homeowner to beco...

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May 20, 2021

54: Black Books Matter - How MahoganyBooks Built A Successful Busines…

In this episode, the guys chat with Ramunda and Derrick Young of MahoganyBooks. MahoganyBooks is an award-winning independent bookstore in Washington, DC. They believe in social entrepreneurship and are dedicated to ensuring ...

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May 13, 2021

53: Mentorship, Entrepreneurship, And The Journey To First BLVD With …

On this episode of 30 to Life, Muki & Brown chats with Donald Hawkins, the Co-founder and CEO of First Boulevard. Donald is a serial entrepreneur with years of experience in technology and financial services. Hawkins most rec...

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May 6, 2021

52: From Motown Intern to Roc Nation President: 3 Decades in Music wi…

In part 2 from last week’s episode, the guys continue their interview with Benny Pough. Benny is an established music executive, entrepreneur, author, and real estate investor. He is one of the most successful record executiv...

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April 29, 2021

51: From Motown Intern to Roc Nation President - 3 Decades in Music w…

In this episode, the guys interview Benny Pough. Benny is an established music executive, entrepreneur, author, and real estate investor. He is one of the most successful record executives in the music industry. He has been ...

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April 22, 2021

50: How To Launch A Successful Podcast & The Key To Taking Action

In this episode, Muki and Brown breakdown how to start a podcast. They go over the platforms & equipment that they use, things they learned along the way, the importance of having a story, and best practices. The guys also …

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April 15, 2021

49: Barbershop Talk - Police Brutality, Black Lives Matter, DMX’s Imp…

In this barbershop episode, the guys discuss the shooting of Daunte Wright, the trial for George Floyd’s death and what will happen if a not guilty verdict is announced, Black Lives Matter controversy, and the legalization of...

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April 8, 2021

48: Mental Health, Self-Care, And Making Effective Decisions In Your …

The guys chat with Dr. Lauren Cook. Lauren is a therapist that primarily works with people in their 20s and 30s. She specializes in supporting people through the major changes and milestones in their lives. During the episode...

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April 1, 2021

47: Michael Broughton, CEO of Perch, On Building A Successful App & B…

Muki and Brown chat with Michael Broughton. Michael is the cofounder of Perch, a free app that allows users to build their credit through recurring expenses such as rent, Netflix and Hulu. Michael started the the company to h...

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March 25, 2021

46: Barbershop Talk - Who Is 30 to Life

In this barbershop episode, Muki and Brown discuss the recent shootings, gun laws, Derrick Jaxn and his wife, WandaVision, Zack Snyder’s Justice League, and more. Oh and you get to learn more personal stuff about Muki and Bro...

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March 18, 2021

45: A Conversation With Dawn Dickson - CEO of PopCom

Dawn W. Dickson is CEO of PopCom, an automated retail company that uses facial recognition, A.I, and blockchain technology to help retailers collect valuable customer insights. PopCom has developed technology to make kiosks a...

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March 11, 2021

44: The Black Tax - The Cost of Being Black in America Part 2 With Sh…

In part 2 from last week’s episode, Muki and Brown continue their conversation with Shawn D. Rochester about his books, The Black Tax: The Cost of Being Black in America and CPR for the Soul: How to Give Yourself a …

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March 4, 2021

43: The Black Tax - The Cost Of Being Black In America Part 1 With Sh…

Did you know that after about 400 years of being in the US, African Americans in the United States only own two percent of U.S. wealth? In this episode, Muki and Brown chat with Shawn D. Rochester, author of The …

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